
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1/7 Manic-ure Giveaways... Wednesday?

I'm off a few days! SORRY! I got smacked down by the flu. But why wait until Monday when I can post today? So here ya go :P

About MGM: These are the nail related giveaways I've collected over the past week from just about everywhere on the Internet! I strive to post new US/international giveaways, ones I haven't posted before, in each Monday post. Also, Don't forget to check the Master List or back links I provide at the end of each post!

To make sure your giveaway is on next week's giveaway list, be sure to to email me before next Monday morning:

 Winter Giveaway with  <b> <br>  Fife Fantasi Nails</b>


Best Natural Nail Polish & Dry Shampoo Reviews | Lace n Ruffles

Giveaway: Win the Essie Resort 2015 Collection!

Missed last week? Click here! Or - Check the Master List for past giveaway lists :]

Happy Hump Day,


  1. I sure hope you're feeling better soon!! Thank you for the post!!! <3 I look forward to it every week! xoxo

  2. Woot! Thanks for including Lace n Ruffles - green beauty love all the way x Do you have any toxin free nail polish brands to recommend? I'm compiling a list!



Thanks for reading my blog! I appreciate any comments, criticism, or suggestions <3