So without further adieu, Red Carpet Lacquer Oz, Not Kansas!
Like seriously, without further adieu - you guys have to see this glitter!

Red Carpet Lacquer Oz, Not Kansas over black

Red Carpet Lacquer Oz, Not Kansas over black

Red Carpet Lacquer Oz, Not Kansas over black
You can find Red Carpet Lacquer on Etsy! Her polishes are $8/bottle and she's a super sweet seller. If you're looking to purchase this or any of her other creations, I suggest you hop on it before the 5th of July, her shop will be closed 7/5-7/17. Hmm.. what should I order next... *slaps wrist* NOT UNTIL AUGUST, LACEY!
Hope ya'll are having a fab day! Can't wait to share my 4th mani with you tomorrow ;]
Until tomorrow,
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